Was: Bench Test Basics
Daniel Spirer’s view is that milling uses up ‘creative time’ and the
finished product may not be as predictable as bought stock.
John Donivan’s view is that the mill produces material to the specs
you want and need and makes better economic use of material.
Both are completely correct of course!
I don’t see these as competing points of view. Like most things
context is key. Where are you and where do you want to go. What
volume do you use, does it justify the investment in a mill? Where do
you really make your money… materials or labor? Both? Something
else? What results do you seek? What resources do you have?
The answers to those questions will suggest to a jeweler which way
is best for him individually, in his present or foreseeable position.
I wish I had a good mill, but I can get along nice enough without it.
For now.