

I have been a designer, creator and bench Jeweler for 33 years. I am 78 years old and conduct ongoing silversmithing classes, having taught in Aurora, Colorado Public School Continuing Ed for 15 years ending 7 years ago when they disbanded the Continuing Ed program. I took students and created my own classes - currenty have seven studens in two sessions on Wednesdays. I also teach Channel Inlay classes for 1 week seminars at Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM, each July - this year dates are July 22-July 29,2006. I welcome anyone who would like to contact and attend through I am a Certified PMC Instructor through Rio Grande. CeCe Wire was my instructor and idol! While at the Gem show, my annual outing, I attended the Orchid dinner in Tucson last February. I have studied under Harold O'Connor, Michael Boyd, Phil Poirier, Roger Wilbur (who taught me all I know about Channel Inlay), and Tim McCreight. My first instuctor was at the Continuing Ed - Roger Rydberg - who gave me a fantastic background. My Hobby/2nd Career keeps me "young" and on my toes.; -