I am so glad I was clued into this organization. I love talking shop but non jewelers have no idea what I'm talking about, which takes the fun out of it, ya know? Looks like there's alot to be learned on this site. I've been a jeweler for 28 years both as employee and owner. A steady paycheck is nice and safe but there's something about being an entrepreneur. Plus the pay is better. Usually. I work mainly in karat gold and platinum, designing and fabricating sometimes to a client's specifications, sometimes just for my own amusement. My bench is a humble item about 50 years old. I like the idea that so many fine pieces were made on it before it was handed down to me. A legacy to live up to I suppose. I'll post a pic when I get around to it. There's nothing better than a good tool, and I think I've just found an excellent one!