It isn’t losing something, it’s probably “information overload, in your
brain”. It happens quite regularly! It takes a few moments to collect
everything you want to see. Just sit back & mentally relax.
Gerry Lewy
Toronto, Ontario.
I am completely convinced that shop gremlins actually exist. They move things around when you are not looking and then put them back later in the same spot. I swear I can hear them laughing. Buy 2 of everything and don’t get angry. They will get bored with it and leave you alone eventually.
I think your Gremlins are related to mine. The one difference is that mine usually make a couple of stops elsewhere on their way back home.
The gremlins use the lost dryer socks to hide in
Thank you for the article, Betsy. I’m equally fascinated and annoyed by this all the time. We talked about it a little back in April here: Colored electrical tape to mark small tools
Rather than scotoma, I lean more toward @gerrylewy18’s “information overload” perspective, and that it’s more likely Inattential Blindness causing this problem. Regardless, it seems to relieve everyone’s minds to learn they’re not alone in this experience.
Knowing about this phenomenon seems to help relieve it – as Gerry said “Just sit back & mentally relax.” Except, of course, when the soldering pick really did roll under the soldering board.
My wife refers to my lapidary and jewelry shop as the Black Hole of Calcutta. Things disappear, usually rough stone, and magically appear a few months or years later. Actually it’s me putting things in a place where I won’t forget where it’s at.
Rockdewd – Rick,
I couldn’t agree more about wife perceptions, however, she believes that it’s me that disappers into the void. Often not seen for hours at a time and when disturbed my instinctive reply is "huh - did you say something"
Ditto that.
I Generally just ply mine with a bit of scotch it tends to keep them happy although they are quick to tell me when they want more.
I have had various business cards over the years but I have only been
partly happy with the results, meaning people using them to contact me
after a show or after seeing my work.
Thus I am wondering how you see business cards.
Are they a good form of advertisement?
What do you actually put on the cards?
A picture of one of your pieces of jewelry plus simple contact info?
I do not want to put private phone number or primary e-mail but have one
e-address that is mostly used for Art or Art related stuff, like
Do you have any suggestions as to who to get to design a card that
rocks!! I have done all the designing in the past but truly do not
feel they are doing their job. Designing business cards is not my training
nor talent, truth be told.
If you have a successful card who do you give them to? Where do you
display them, besides a gallery your work might be displayed in?
Do you find certain designs or colors or types of paper or…best?
Is there a particular on-line company that does outstanding work for
artist business cards?
Or do you feel cards are passe ? I hope not as I myself love getting
cards and keep them all.
Sorry for so many questions but I feel I am in a sort of lost space and
want to get out there to sell my work and need advertisement methods.
Thank you so much for any help.
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Wow! I feel your pain. Although retired now, I had many of the same issues of angst, however my field was consulting and business cards are both the bane and blessing. Here are some guidelines that I religiously followed when still active in the industry.
- Never pull out one card, always two. Ask the individual to please put their contact information on the reverse side of your card. Often you’ll get a card in return (success)!
- Annotate the contact information with simple information; Date, Time, Event, Why Attending, What discussed.
- Always follow up with an email that recaps the reason for exchanging contact information and your normal salutation “If I can help …”
- Maintain the contact info in a group, list, etc. And make sure that you NEVER add anyone to this list that you have not made a face/face contact with. Reason you can use a targeted approach for a simple news/notes once/twice a year reminding the individual that you met in the past and are simply staying in contact. I still use this approach for Linked-In they don’t get added unless I’ve met them in person.
- If your skill level is such that you can keep a simple database of the information you have collected then you can further target your audience.
- REMEMBER cards/contact information is simply the first step. If you don’t have a plan for marketing to the contact information then any road will get you somewhere.
Regards RLW
Although I have not personally done so, I find that I save cards if they have useful information. For jewelers, that might be the birth month stones or even a one or two-year calender.
I also have gremlins in my shop. They play hide and seek with my things. Sometimes, when I drop something, they show me exactly where it is. Love them. I always thank them when I find it.
Do the gremlins pay rent & insurance?..
Gerry! from my mobile-phone!
@gerrylewy18 Not only do the gremlins here not pay rent & insurance, but to add insult to injury they make my Jameson’s disappear, which is unforgivable.
Neil A
Every second wasted searching for tools on your desk is a penny or two from your income.
On the other hand, super organization and making nooks and special boxes and cranies for each and every tools only work for those whose mind is hard wired that way to begin with. Trying to do this is even more of a waste of precious time.
What I use is the “logical heap method” I have a several trays from the 100 yen store that I put certain types of tools into when I use them. I’ve trained myself to always put certain tools in certain trays, but nothing beyond that. So there’s always a heap of tools in the tray in no discernible order. But, at least, my hand will always go to the right tray and in just a few moments of fumbling around, I’ll come up with what I need.
This has saved me endless amounts of time and “lost” tools.
Another thing I do is when I’m done for the day I dump each tool into their respective tray, so I’ll know where they are when I go to work tomorrow.
But I also believe that the God of Small Things demands the occasional sacrifice and has many Gremlins at her command. Things disappear in my shop too, only to mysteriously reappear six months later.
But at least my logical heap method keeps this well down from what it used to be
Not so much sacrifice, I think, but more like the proverbial neighbor in need of a tool to “borrow” for an hour or a month or so.
I believe the God of Small Things allows you to set rabid dogs on tool borrowers.
This God of small things, is there a way to appease him / her/ it? I would be willing to butcher a chicken and sprinkle the blood around my bench at midnite on mid summers eve or whatever. Dance naked around the oak tree in my back yard at midnight?