In order to facilitate truly helpful Q&A without commercial posts getting in the way, our rules are as follows. (Please note that these rules may evolve and change as the community evolves and changes.)
Individuals wishing to occasionally sell personal items
Individuals occasionally selling personal jewelry-making tools, supplies and books are allowed to post this to the Jewelry Discussion forum. Please include the location such as city/state/country of your items in the title.
We ask that this be done as minimally and reasonably as possible so as not to get in the way of meaningful discussions. For example, if you have 20 personal items to sell, please post it all in one post and not 20 separate posts. No repeat posts selling the same items and no “bumping” your posts, please.
You are welcome photos of the items your selling. We recommend posting enough pictures to make it clear what is being sold but not going overboard to the point of overwhelming the reading experience for other members.
Businesses wanting to let members know about their offerings
We don’t allow businesses to use the forum to advertise their goods and services. Please read about our advertising offerings instead.
However, if a member asks a question such as “I’m looking for an excellent jewelry cleaning product that does X, Y & Z?” and you are a business that has a product that does exactly that, you can reply as that business to let the member know.