Welcome to Orchid! Need help? Here's our FAQ

How can I participate in this forum?

You must become a member of Ganoksin.com to post and reply in the forum.

What are the rules of the Orchid forum?

Our goal is to foster a healthy, friendly, collaborative, and useful community. We may choose remove any messages that we feel don’t contribute positively to the community.

  • All discussion must be on topic. For example: jewelry making, jewelry business, the Ganoksin website itself.

  • Any particularly uncivil or inflammatory discussion may be removed.

  • We don’t allow advertising or self-promotion. A forum can become bogged down and less useful when this is allowed and gets out of hand. The only exceptions to this are:

    1. If you are an individual looking to sell some of your personal jewelry making books, tools, supplies and feel that the community may be interested.

    2. If you are a business directly replying to another member who is looking for something specific and you happen to sell said item.

Other Common Questions

More Detailed Personal For Sale vs Commercial Business posting policy

How Do I Upload a Picture?

Email-Related Questions

How can I get daily digest of Orchid by email?

How can I receive every Orchid post as individual emails?

How can I reduce the number of Orchid emails I get?

Tips for Making Orchid a Globally-Friendly Community

Orchid members are located around the world. Here are a couple of tips for a more successful global community:

  1. When you give measurements, consider giving them both in metric and US customary system (USCS or USC) if you can.

  2. In your Profile screen, you’ll see a field called Location. Consider filling this out and then when people click on your username, they’ll see where you are located. (Your profile screen can be accessed by clicking your avatar in the upper-right corner of the screen.)


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Trouble Signing Up