You asked for suggestions - How about an operational statement.
What are the goals of this magazine. To me “Lapidary Journal” is
primarily about making things out of rocks. If you want to invigorate
your base get out there and do some investigation about rocks. A few
ideas. Get with the US diplomatic service and do some real reporting
about gemstone locations. Go there yourself. Sit in on some of the
larger deals of gemstone rough. See the rough at the source. It will
take a diplomat to get you in, but I bet it can be done. Report do
not editorialise. Keep your opinions to yourself and report. While
you are at it go to the major gemstone cutting centers of the world.
Ask through the diplomatic channels to see the cutting operations.
Get a guided tour through the diplomatic channels. Ask the country
you are visiting the concerns we have in the USA about money
laundering, child labor, unsafe working conditions, etc. Ask the
question and report, do not editorilize and do not take another
persons word for anything if they are involved in the industry. Go
to Burma, Tanzania, Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, go as part of a
diplomatic ensemble and you may even get a break on travel expenses.
Report, report, report, do not editorialise.
Gerry Galarneau