Sterling silver overlay

Hi, I have been away from silverwork for about 10 years as trick saddle work has kept me busy. The silversmith who was making my 3-piece buckle sets for art show belts died and I need to make my own now to keep prices reasonable. The last sterling overlay sheet I bought was from Indian Jewlery Supply in New Mexico. They are no longer in business and I need to find a source of 20 ga and 22 ga sterling silver overlay on nickel silver. I have exhausted the internet and Rio Grande was of no help.

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What is silver overlay? Not familiar with this term.

Try this company (scroll down to bi-metals) :

It is single layer of sterling silver on nickel silver. It is stronger than comaparable thikness of sterling making it useful for silver mounted saddles and gear that get hard use. It is also used for western rodeo trophy buckles making them affordable for kids events etc. Thanks for info on comapny. Theirs is multi layer for jewlery.

DH Fell ( is doing some bi-metals. In the past I’ve bought some from Hoover and strong. I’ve had them make a brass and silver one. I think they would make it for you. Lacking that, ask one of the mokume guys if they would make it for you. Chris Ploof makes some pretty unusual combinations. Have you tried some of the other indian jewelry suppliers?

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Thank you, Yes I thinkI have exhausted internet of Indian jgbuckle sets made for this summer but farther nout is [quote=“judyh, post:5, topic:68747, full:true”]
DH Fell ( is doing some bi-metals. In the past I’ve bought some from Hoover and strong. I’ve had them make a brass and silver one. I think they would make it for you. Lacking that, ask one of the mokume guys if they would make it for you. Chris Ploof makes some pretty unusual combinations. Have you tried some of the other indian jewelry supplie.

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Thank You. I think I have exhausted online suppliers. I have enough sheet for this summer but after that???

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I came across this company when I was looking for something else…Rob

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Thank you!

Isn’t overlay the same as filled?..Rob

No, my understanding is that fill is synonomous with plate.

This is a link to an explanation from Rio of the differences, at least with respect to gold filled vs plated…Rob

Thanks for reference. It looks like Rio uses clad synonomous in western silver as overlay. Its the same principle. I found a suppllier with bhelp from the group. Now I wait for pricing and minimum order. Ive used kart gold iun the past but may use clad in the future.

Richard I’ve used a product called bi-metal for many years. What I use is sterling silver with gold fill. It holds up beautifully. If you engrave the gold and patina the silver, you get a great look. I’ve used product from many suppliers - Hauser and Miller when they were still around, DH Fell, Reactive metals and at one time Rio Grande. I’ve had special alloys from Hoover and Strong as well. Judy H
Here’s an early early piece using bi-metal, 18K over silver -


Thank you for info. I will follow up on those supppliers. I am waiting to hear back from Reliable Silver Corp. I have often thought about engraving on bimetals but have been so busy with saddles I had to move away from metal work. Now at 80 I need to be thinking about using up stones, findings etc. but buckle sets are a great money maker with belt sales. They just have to be priced reasonable for tourists.