I have just found another possible cause for soldering problems. I
was trying to do a fairly simple solder and having problems with the
(paste) solder not wanting to melt, using propant and oxygen. I was
just thinking that some days the solder Gods are with me and some
days not, when I noticed something. I noticed that I had to turn up
the oxygen valve more than usual to get the proper looking flame. I
thought nothing of it at first, because when I did turn up the oxy
more, the flame did look about right. I just thought that the
cylinder was getting low and I’d have to get a new one soon. Then I
thought I should just go ahead and switch it. When I did, the solder
melted and flowed beautifully. It was obvious that I was not getting
enough heat before. I’m just mentioning it because there was still
enough oxygen in the cylinder to get a proper looking flame, but
there was apparently little heat in it. Isn’t that curious…
Todd Welti
Living Color Opal and Intarsia