My small bench

Thanks Mike, I really liked your idea. Congratulations.

Regards direct from Brazil

Carlos Peixoto.


A few years back Richard Hopkins was a regular on Orchid. He sent me some very useful information, all the way from Australia.

It is exciting to be able to share ideas globally this way.
Thank you for your feedback.


MIKE, thank you.

If you need anything here from Brazil, count on me.

Here you have a new one friend.



Thanks again! I actually have a stop like that I built onto my bench pin for keeping a ‘true’ edge when filing something square.

This pendant is the project that prompted me to make that specialized bench pin.

You might have to add a grove if the back is not flat.
Hope you find it as effective as I did.

woodpath2 = Awesome! compact and possibly more organized than I have ever been in my life…:slight_smile: Haha

I know I am late to the game here, but I was bored at my day job on day and was pursuing bench pictures when I saw this wood bezel tool. I promptly e-mailed the picture to my husband to ask him to make me one and he passed the photo on to a very young woodworker (15) that we met at a youth art fair. As a result, this is in the mail on the way to my house. I can’t wait to try it out and maybe just stare at it for a while.


I am enjoying the various adaptations that my fellow craftsfolks have come up with, that ease the job of “holding” work!
I am in the process of adapting to the lack of any strength in my right shoulder, so I am looking for many different ways to secure various projects so that I can basically work without much support from that arm.
My Ortho Dr did a rotator cuff rebuild about 12 years ago, but it has failed. The only solution he offers now is a full, reverse shoulder replacement, which means at least 4 weeks down time, plus PT.
I prefer to adapt, and put off the surgery until I have no other options, and even if I do go for the surgery, I have no intention of not working at the bench. It appears that work holders that allow me to comtinue to work, one handed are in my future, at least temporarily.

I once knew of a fantastic diamond setter who would ‘shadow’ other Toronto setters. He even worked a large jewellery company.

He had only one (dis)ability, he had no right arm. But what I knew is that he put all of his rings in a bench-vise that was designed & catered to his situation!
We all are much ‘stronger because of our own limitations. I remove the first three letters in ‘disability’ and call it an “ability”!..:wink:

Please go to:

Gerry, On my iPhone!

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I love this idea! Many thanks for the details!!

Wow Mike I love your space my friend. I am smashed into a little office that I thought was going to be plenty of space when I first started. Now I am hoping my 500 sf basement is going to be large enough. LOL I will be starting the move down stairs soon. I better get a jump on it before I get to old to move all the heavy lathes and Milling machines and all my other stuff I want down there too… hahaha

Nice workshop

Charles Friedman DDS
Port Hueneme California

Not sure what a reverse replacement is but I had a shoulder replacement July 2019, left side. Recovery was longer than expected but I could work after about 3 months. Couldn’t work before surgery because of the pain. Now I am working on ways to hold me work (right handed) without tiring out my left holding hand. I am no longer in pain.

I can’t emphasize enough the work of a good Occupational Therapist. OT’s are indispensable in returning to work repetitive motion injuries.

I work each day with reattached fingers thanks mostly to the talents of an OT and a PT.


Hello, thank you for all the detailed photos and explanations! Currently renovating my studio and finally installing a ventilation set up. Curious , what size is your studio? I’ll be in a 8/8/8’ studio space (small but what I have to work with for now!) and actually ordered a 6"inline fan (440 CFM) and all pertaining ducting, wall cap etc in 6". Will 440 CFM be overkill or just fine for adequate ventilation? Is more better in this case?


Your space is 512 cubic ft. So every minute plus a little your exhausting all the air. My concern is where is the repleshment coming from. And at what temp, humidity, etc. I think you should talk to an HVAC expert
Regards RLW

Thank you for your reply. I do have a window I plan on cracking open for the replenishment air. As for temp and humidity, I will take your advice and talk to an HVAC expert.