[Looking4] Gem carving book

I’m looking for a copy of Henry Hunt’s “American Lapidary: Designing the Carved Gemstone” - it seems to be out of print and I am taking a
gem carving class April 1st at Metalwerx. Any suggestions? Thanks,
Orchid is the best.

Mary Collier Fisher

Mary, Please go to graves company
[ Graves Company ] and look under books for items
22-111 and 22-114.

the fundermantals of gemstone carving by gordon s kennedy

is a great book for the beginer, though its very old as well

good luck


Mary…that is a good connection. The two books mentioned are both
good. I happen to have the one with the green cover, but the cover is
tan and it is signed by Henry Hunt and says “Happy Carving”. If you
can get it for $25.00 wonderful. Recently I needed an old out of
print book - the store did find it but cost me $50.00.

Rose Marie Christison

I like to use BookFinder.com: Finde jedes Buch zum besten Preis, gebrauchte & antiquarische Bücher to look for
out of print books I checked the site & 4 came up on Amazon - all
pricey though (from$105- $150)

Good luck!