Since I live in a vacuum I think this is my idea… You know how
when you’re trying to set a stone that’s cut weird and you have to
actually cut the seat to match the odd cut? I use something called
Mynol Ultra Thin Marking film. It’s also known as articulating paper
and is used by your dentist to make your bite right. It’s .00075" (19
microns) thick and the kind I use is red on one side and black on the
I use components and odd scraps to create some of my pendants. To
keep them assembled and not moving, I add a tiny, tiny drop of Super
Glue to about 3 places to hold them together. If I do decide to
solder, the super glue will burn away - not a breathing problem
since I have a great exhaust system that removes fumes. I also have
been doing a solder “tacking” system on hard to arrange pieces.
Just a note - I used superglue on an outside piece of sculpture and
found it cannot get through a cold Canadian winter. It was fine until
the cold weather set in. Just a bit of tail feather on a heron but it
fell off in the snow.