Hello! I have just finished a beginners class on jewelry
metalsmithing and have almost all the tools to work from home, just
waiting until I have all the facts and safety down before getting the
acetylene B tank…
I am not finding a clear answer, and need your help! I want to make
sure that I am being safe and keeping others around me safe, but am
ready to get this started!
So, I do not have garage access, and I’m thinking the best place to
set up is in the basement.
I cannot afford, as of now, renting a space at a studio, or taking
classes. My family has blessed me with most the basics I need to get
started with metalsmithing. I am leasing at where I am currently at. I
am not even sure the windows open downstairs…but I will find a way
to have open windows. (I am DETERMINED!)
I am concerned about safety with the tank/gases. Working in a
basement, what is the best way to be safe?
Here is the bits I have collected on what to do for ventilation:
-Keep a window open, maybe keep a fan above your soldering/torch
station to move the air towards the window.
-Keep as many windows open as you can
-Keep a window open, have a good ventilation system.
What would be a good option/the best way to go for ventilation when
working with acetylene (B tank) ? I am new to this, so I only ask to
be clear on what constitutes safe and good ventilation in a
basement! (I would appreciate options for people with low budgets,
but, if I need to spend more in order to make sure everyone’s safe I
will find a way to afford it)
Any basic safety tips working with/having acetylene in a basement,
is much appreciated!* It should be safe to work in a basement, if I
follow safety tips, correct?
What is the best way to get the tank home? *(I’m hearing its best to
secure it in the back of a pick up, sitting up-right, correct?)
I am new to this, so any help is VERY much appreciated!!
Please do, ease my mind.
3 thank you
-Lucy Lune