some of the folk on the list may remember me 2 years ago i started a small company w/a name i could grow into and i had to unsubscribe for a while as i was trying to keep up at work so now the biz has grown and i have some time for the forum . for those that dont know me i started messing around with jewelry in 1981 i was too poor to afford a rock /wet grinder so i built my own out of a washing machine motor and milk bottle crate ( wish i still had it ) i basicly work with any of the precious materials used in jewelry today . i work with customers one on one from a modest store front location which is connected a shop area that has the ability to do limited production runs as well as build tooling and dies , i am pleased with the latest additions of a deckel GK-12 pantograph and a lynx dynascope . i enjoy problem solving and coming up with new ways and tools to get the job done . i am a big admirer of technological advances of the labrotory and science behind crystal growing proces`s as well as the beauty of naturaly occuring gemstones. as a hobby i like antique motorcycles my rider is a 1938 indian chief that i did most all the work myself special occasion rider is my late friend james montgomery 1947 harley who owned it since it was a year old and a couple more in different stages of completion . well thanks for reading and best regards - g hoefs