Experience with Hans lapidary

Has anyone heard of the http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/is - the HANS

This is either a legitimate company with really poor translation
(email to our company) or some of the best spam I have seen yet.
Looks like a duck, walks like duck…but it is it a duck?

Karen Christians


I’ve never heard of them. Doubt Hans Meevis has either. :slight_smile: However
the products look legitimate, the prices are exceedingly good, and
the language was in all probability originally Chinese. It’s
actually not that bad; I’ve seen translations that were far worse.

Hans Durstling
Moncton Canada

I have never heard of Hans Company. Their prices are tempting.
Almost too good to be true. For example an eight inch, 80 grit
sintered diamond wheel for $176. I bought one two years ago from
another supplier for $330. And that was after shopping around for the
best price. But that was a US produced wheel.

I’m leery about cheap import diamond abrasive wheels. I’ve had some
unhappy and one dangerous experiences with bargain import flexible
diamond wheels (Diamond Pacific Nova wheel knock offs). So now I buy
only authentic DP Nova wheels for the peace of mind. So I would
proceed with caution.

I also noticed in their terms and conditions that they ship in-stock
items within 15 days. Not exactly prompt service. And there is no
indicator that I can find where they are located.

Just my $.02 worth…

Rick Copeland

Whatever it is, it seems to be based perhaps in India. Mohan is a
Hindu name. Many Indian companies do not do well in English but a
lot of gemstone beads do come from India.

Karen - I have no personal experience and have never heard of them.

I always go to the ‘about’ page and the ‘contact’ page, terms page,
etc. To find the location of the company etc. For this one, I could
find no physical address listed - a couple of pages say to call
them, but I could find no phone numbers listed. One page says you
can fax them by email…

I would not shop online through that website with the way it stands


Doing a little more digging, if you go to the actual site url and
lop off /cart/


It shows an image at the top with another site url in it:
lapidarytec dot com

If you go there it says it’s a wholesale site and the colors and
design are exactly the same as the first.

Looking up the domain record for lapidarytec dot com gives you
someone in China:

Created: 2007-12-17 21:33:01
Expires: 2011-12-17 13:33:00
Last Modified: 2008-12-03 09:12:21

Registrant Contact:
hou zhigang
hou zhigang (1098490@163.com)
No14.GongQingTuan Road,Zibo City,Shandon g
zibo, Shandong, cn 255000
P: +86.5333168768 F: +86.5333168768

And if you go to checkout without a login the default country
selected is China.

Their payment is done via paypal and I couldn’t find any info from
there about who they are.

Searching google for their paypal email address gave me this entry:

Search that page for [email masked] and you’ll see it looks like
someone has ordered from them in the recent past


I pulled up Hans Lapidary Tool (China). It gives an address of:
Jingwel office lique Town, Guangrao county Zibo Shandong 257333
China Phone: 86-0533-6287280 Contact: Mohan

Seems no one could find an address, etc. Takes a sign in with tons
of info, which I won’t do!

I have no reason to do business.
Rose Marie Christison

Thanks all on your sleuthing and sage advice. Hard sometime to figure
out exactly where to spend your time. We will concentrate our efforts
in helping all of you and not chase this duck into the weeds of the

With kindness,
Karen Christians

I have ordered from Han’s through Amazon. I gelt a lot safer processing my payment through Amazon.
I started off with a 3000 grit flat lap topper for $8.50 with free shipping. It took a couple of weeks but it arrived in fine condition. The lap was shipped in a minimally padded envelope(paper with a little bit of plastic wrap) not a box so it could easily have been damaged in the long trip from China but it wasn’t. I haven’t used it much yet but I was happy enough with it to order a 360 grit and a 600 grit for a total of $19.50 no shipping. I will report back when these arrive.

Go to the bottom of their page and you will find an address. Put that address into google maps and you get:
