Experience with Foredom bench lathe

Hey Guys,

Does anyone have any experience working with the Foredom Bench Lathe
[BL} / Polisher?

It’s really small, and made for your bench top and had adjustable
speed… I’ve been thinking about getting one because of room/space

Please let me know.
Thanks y’all.

I have one that my husband bought me as a birthday gift last year - I
absolutely love it - though I am only a hobbyist at this point and
don’t use it alot - I have several different buffs/wheels and
polishes to use - - perfect for those larger pieces that you cannot
do on the flexshaft.


I have one too and find it VERY high rpm and low torque so it bogs
down kind of easily if I push into the buff, especially at the low
speed settings.

If you want FAST speeds and are not going to apply much pressure it
is probably fine. Most Foredom tools are well made.

John Dyer

If you want FAST speeds and are not going to apply much pressure
it is probably fine. Most Foredom tools are well made. 

It has high RPM, but only 4" buffs, so the surface speed is probably
comparable to a larger lathe.

Al Balmer
Sun City, AZ

It has high RPM, but only 4" buffs, so the surface speed is
probably comparable to a larger lathe. 

I bought one because I wanted to be able to use the 3M FX wheels,
which are not supposed to he used at high RPMs. Then 3M discontinued
the wheels, so when mine are used up, too bad.

Anyway, it appears to me to work fine across its speed range, but I
guess I don’t press hard on it, as I have not noticed any stalling.


As I remember, if I remember correctly, it has little torque. But it
sure is cute!

Memorable words from someone, I think I heard them from Alan Revere,
use the biggest tool possible.


Foredom bench lathe works well with 3M 3" radial bristle brushes. My
employees use it the most, sometimes final polish is usually done on
regular polishing unit.

3M bristle brushes are not messy, so the women like it better. Torque
is fine for 3M brushes. Probably would work okay with small diameter
muslin buffs.

Richard Hart G.G.
Denver, Co. 80210

Here, the Foredom Lathe does use the muslin buffs for Zam finishing,
also, have one of the course 3M buffs for quick clean up. It is
small, but powerful enough for our particular purpose. If need be can
go the basement and use the monster polisher.

I have several of the bristle 3M’s - guess I must have stock piled!

Rose Marie Christison

I have several of the bristle 3M's - guess I must have stock

If this is in response to my statement about discontinued wheels-- it
is not the bristle discs that are discontinued, it is the FX wheels–
they are green and look kinda like florist’s foam. I REALLY like
them… sigh…


HI Noel

Actually was in response, a backward way of offering them to you!

I have just a couple of the foam (really do like them) sorry to have
mislead you…the bristles are what are plentiful.

Rose Marie Christison

Are FX wheels the same as MX wheels at Rio?

Are FX wheels the same as MX wheels at Rio? 

I never heard of these, so I looked, and they appear very similar.
They come from Taiwan, and I’m guessing they are the result of
someone stepping in to fill the void left by 3M discontinuing them.
I’d love to find that they are as good (they are not cheap!) but I
won’t hold my breath.


Hi Noel

Today I was at Naja Tool Supply here in Denver. They have a couple
of 1500 and 3 of the 3000 (or 3600) can’t remember which. They are
$24.95 each.

I was told that 3M let someone in Taiwan buy out the manufacture of
the FX’s. Probably what Rio has.

I told the owner you should get these ordered from him. I picked up
one of each just to have, and thought you might need them, too, at a
later date.

Rose Marie Christison