David Barzilay "Lord of the Rings" passed away

With great sadness I report the passing of Mr. David Barzilay.
Saturday April 1st. While a stroke had damaged his body, his mind
remained sharp until the very end, as can be read in his most recent
messages to us all. Those of us in Los Angeles knew him well as a
friend and as a jeweler. God Bless your soul David. ^)& South Hill
will never be the same.

Daniel Ballard

Dear Orchid Friends,

It is with great sadness to learn about the passing of David

David joined Orchid in mid 2001. In his Orchid Introduction he says,

  "I am a fourth-generation jeweler. My father, grandfather,
  and great-grandfather were all diamond cutters. I am a
  manufacturing cusom jeweler, gemologist, and gem dealer; in
  business in Los Angeles' Jewelry District since 1983." 

His interesting career found him creating jewelry for the movie
industry in Hollywood. David frequently posted on Orchid. He loved
the lively interactions and was one of the true ambassadors of
Orchid. I had the pleasure and honor of meeting him in person at the
Tucson Orchid Dinner in 2004.

Please accept my deepest condolences to your family and to Orchid.
We will miss your wonderful posts and contributions, however, they
will live forever in the Orchid archives.


Oh no! This is terrible news. I am so sad to hear this. I had not met
him, of course, but have read his postings with great interest and
had a few private e-mails with him.

My condolences to you and everyone who knew and loved him.


Dear Daniel.

I am so sorry to learn that David Barzilay has passed away. I always
enjoyed his wonderful contributions to Orchid, and several times he
responded to questions I had asked. He will certainly be missed by
all of us. He was a talented and brilliant man, and very generous
with helping those of us who had questions. Please convey our
heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.


Whenever I saw David’s name in the “From” column, I knew that there
would be something interesting to read. David’s posts were always
informative, interesting and pertinent. I was very sorry to hear of
David’s passing.

He will be sorely missed here on Orchid.


Joel Schwalb Studio

David’s passing will be a loss for this forum, he always responded
with knowledge, care and respect. I was lucky enough to meet him at
Tucson last year as well as chatting a bit off forum. This is a
reminder that Orchid really is an extended family and one to

Thank you Hanuman for having a place for so many special meetings, I
can’t even begin to say how much Orchid has changed my life.

Blessings to all.
Go hug a loved one.
Marta in Georgetown, CA

I’m so very sorry to hear of David’s passing. I’m glad we had the
pleasure of all that he shared of himself on this forum, and I envy
those of you who have met him in person, as I never had that

I offer my sincere condolences to his family and friends.

David L. Huffman

I have great sorrow in the lost of David Barzilay “Lord of the
Rings” who is one of our family.

Orchid and all of us are much better off because Dave shared himself
with us.

Bless you Dave, truly the “Lord of the Rings”


I can’t believe it! How terrible. David was a wonderful, generous
person of great integrity. I met him on several occasions and
thoroughly enjoyed his company. I will truly miss him and his
contributions to Orchid. This news comes as such a shock!


Oh, I am shocked. I have enjoyed a back and forth with David for
quite some time.

when we planned the first Orchid San Diego gathering, I invited
David, suggested he ride the metro link from Los Angeles along with
a friend of mine Olga Hammer. I told him I would pick them both up
at the Oceanside Transit Center and drive all of us to Lisa Van
Herik’s home in La Jolla.

I can testify David had a ball and very much enjoyed interacting
with all the San Diego County Orchidians in attendance. Far too
early it was necessary to get to the return train, and the visit was

David leaves a great void, no one to unmercifully tease me with
opposing political cartoons and messages. The jokes we exchanged
were many and often recirculated.

Rest In Peace David, you are deeply missed.


I am sorry to hear of this. I had not known that he had been ill.
His postings will be missed.

marilyn smith

This is sad news, indeed. I never met David in person, but have read
all of his posts here since I found Ganoksin, along with a few
off-list discussions. Everything he had to say here was interesting
and informative, I always looked forward to reading it. He will be
dearly missed.

James in SoFl

We have lost one of our community this is truly sad. I spoke with
David several times about work and enjoyed his postings here. I
shall miss his presence. RIP David.

Jim Binnion

James Binnion Metal Arts
Phone (360) 756-6550
Toll Free (877) 408 7287
Fax (360) 756-2160

Member of the Better Business Bureau

This is such sad news. I met David through his postings on Orchid.
He was kind and generous and extremely knowledgeable. He became my
downtown jewelry district connection and anything I needed to know
about, I could be sure David could tell me. My heartfelt condolences
to his family. This lovely man has left us all too soon.

Beverly Jones

A loss to our community, His comments will be missed! Never had a
chance to meet but God rest his Soul…


condolences to the family

David was a student and friend. I learned from him and enjoyed his
passion for life. Our sympathies to his family. I will miss him.


How sad and sudden. I was fortunate to have read his posts on Orchid
and friendly email exchanges offline. I missed meeting him at the
Orchid Dinner in Tucson. Damn.

We will miss you David.


We’ve all heard the saying that when an old person dies it is like a
library burning down. I don’t know how old David was but he, as so
many other here, write the library little by little with each post.

It goes without saying that David will be missed but he left us all,
and those Orchidians to come, a little of his legacy through his
contributions to the list.

Farewell David, may the boatman give you change.

Trevor F.,
in The City of Light

I am greatly saddened. The very short time I have been on Orchid he
taught me a lot. Always with a sharp witicism. He gave me the
greatest gift a smile and knowledge.

Teri Davis

What sad news. Although I met David only through his writings I feel
like I’ve lost a friend. A generous person willing to share his
valuable knowledge. I would have liked to meet him.
