Cracked stone

Would someone please advise me about the kind of glue I should use to
cover a crack? I recently set an ammonite fossil my daughter gave me
in a pretty setting and at the very end it cracked. I was once told
to cover a crack with a glue (don’t remember what kind) and lost the
info when I changed computers. Since it worked well before I would
like to see if I can salvage this enough to enjoy wearing it myself.
Thanks for your help.

Sue in VA

you might want to try opticon


I am also interested in this topic, but on a different stone. a
friend of mine cracked a green jade on his everyday wear favourite
bracelet. what can i use to fill the crack (quite wide) that will
glue the stone together and will camouflage the crack, so he can keep
enjoying wearing his fav jewelry


Sue- I’d use Opticon. It’s a two part adhesive that is formulated
for repairing cracked or crazed stones.

I would never use it on a stone that was for sale unless the
treatment is disclosed to the customer.

Have fun and make lots of jewelry.

Jo Haemer

a friend of mine cracked a green jade on his everyday wear
favourite bracelet. what can i use to fill the crack (quite wide)
that will glue the stone together and will camouflage the crack, so
he can keep enjoying wearing his fav jewelry 

I would mix dry artist’s pigment to match the stone, add this to a
high quality epoxy until the resin is a very thick paste. add only
enough hardener to do the job and press it into the crack.

I was once told to cover a crack with a glue (don't remember what
kind) and lost the info when I changed computers. Since it worked
well before I would like to see if I can salvage this enough to
enjoy wearing it myself. 

You could have a look at the Kingsley North website for glues that
fill imperfections on the surface of cabochons. These are intended to
be applied, cured, then the surface reground and repolished, so that
the filler remains only in the pit or crack.

The good products won’t yellow.

I would say epoxy.

Clear epoxy

My older brother (who cuts a lot of stones for me) would say to use
epoxy, but I prefer cyanoacrylate. use the thin stuff. hold the
crack togetherand drip it on. It will flow into the crack and pretty
much heal it. be careful you can glue your fingers to the stone.
buff off the extra.

Just replace the stone! There are plenty of us "hungry Lapidaries"
around to get the job done. If the fractured stone is salvagable cut
the fracture out and put the salvaged stone into another piece of
jewelry. Good Luck…

Since nothing I am aware of- is as durable nor polish the same
hardness as any stone. Putting money into a stone repair doesn’t make
sense. Unless it is for display and can be hidden successfully.

Have another one cut or scrap it.

usually not worth the $$ effort. "bite the bullet & buy a new one!!"
nothing will look the same as an original. If you want to repair it,
don’t expect total perfection, as before! just my humble opinion
after 53 years of setting!

Gerry Lewy