I found a product in a brochure which came with my latest metals
order. It’s called AGS and is apparently 24K gold powder dispersed
in a non-toxic, water based binder. It’s painted on and then fired so
that it fuses with the silver.
Is anyone familiar with this product or something like it? I
wondered whether it would be an affordable way to add gold accents to
my sterling silver jewellery. It contains 1g of 24K gold powder and
costs 39 UKP. I’m also wondering whether you could build it up by
painting it on in layers with firing in between.
Any thoughts/comments? Thanks.
AGS works quite well on PMC and fine silver. It only works on
sterling if you depletion-guild it first. In both cases, the
manufacturer recommends using a metal clay paste or slip underneath
as a foundation to help the gold adhere. It can be torch-fired or
kiln-fired, though the kiln is the way to go if you want consistency.
You will probably need to touch it up after the first application, as
it’s hard to get it on both thin (as the manufacturer suggests) and
John Walbaum
AGS would be no use for adding gold highlights to sterling silver.
When kiln fired it needs a temperature of 900 deg C which would melt
sterling silver.
It is used to add gold accents to fired silver metal clay, which can
take the high temperatures needed as that is fine silver. For the
record, it is applied in several thin layers before firing, and
additional layers can be applied and the piece re-fired.
Is anyone familiar with this productor something like it?
Helen, enamelists and potters of all kinds have used them for
perhaps centuries. they are called “lustres” and yes, I prefer the
British spelling. I’ve never heard of them for jewelry, but the
concept is not new. With lustres you can’t build them up - they tend
to burn off if they’re fired again. At least as far as I know
It’s the gold rim on glasses and subtle metallic tones in enamels,
among other things.
Hi Helen
I haven’t tried it on sterling - think you would need to depletion
gild your piece first though. Keum boo is probably easier?
Best wishes, Lynne
Helen - That product is easy to use. Just follow the instructions
that come with it. It has to be used on fine silver or fine silver
metal clay. It can be layered before firing and after firing. I have
done it both ways. It should be fired in a kiln according to the
instructions. I have had it flake but that happened only one time and
I can’t remember the circumstances. - Joy
I have tried something called ? Aura 22 (or similar) which is sold in
the UK through PMC dealers, 22ct gold suspended in binder. It does
work, you paint it on and either torch fire, or fire in a kiln, was
recommended to fire several minutes. You can build up many layers
This does cause firescale on the sterling, though. Have you tried
keumboo for applying gold?
Tamizan, UK
Thanks to John, Pat and John,
Stupid me! I missed the word “fine” when reading what it could be
used on. As Pat says, it’s for the metal clays or fine silver - not
sterling. But thanks anyway.
Hi all…I was able to accomplish the keum boo on Sterling Silver.
Placed the piece directly on the electric hot plate and worked the
gold onto the S/Silver with an Agate burnisher. It is holding up very
I missed the first message from Helen as to what she was attempting
to use…when she realized later she needed to be using “fine”.
I may not be giving you the info you need, but worth a comment.
Rose Marie Christison
I have some 24K gold which China painters use. It is in liquid form.
I wonder if this could be used on fine silver, and then fired at the
temperature recommended for firing on China. Has anyone had any
experience with it.
When I get time, I will try it and let you all know if it works.
Usually I do keum boo, but if I can paint the gold on, I will have
more freedom in my designs. Certainly worth a try.
Alma Rands
I haven't tried it on sterling - think you would need to depletion
gild your piece first though. Keum boo is probably easier?
Yes, easier, and a nicer look, I think.
AGS was designed to be used with metal clay, but I do think folks are
trying it on milled metal too. You’d have to depletion gild the
sterling to raise the FS and perhaps do a bit of experimenting on
scraps before you go for a finished piece. Some folks find that it’s
easier to use a torch than cook it in the kiln, some like to burnish
while hot as in Keum boo (after the gold has fused of course), some
metal clay users find that the gold binds better when layered on top
of a layer of silver clay slip.
I might join the Yahoo group dedicated to metal clay “metalclay” and
see if anyone else has used it in the application you’re thinking
of. No use re inventing the wheel. 
Accent gold for silver was created to paint on fine silver and was
never meant for sterling.
Thanks to everyone who has answered my query regarding AGS. In my
error, I missed the word “fine” when reading its description and the
type of silver it is used for. Looking back I should have known
better as it was on a page full of PMC, Artclay and associated
products - my bad!
Perhaps I should have a go at Keum Boo instead, or at least add it to
the list of many “things to try at some point”. I must try to be more
realistic though. My enamels are still waiting for me to have a play
with them, but something else always gets in the way - that’s life I
guess. Sooo many jewellery techniques to try - so little time. 
I appreciate all the advice and the time it took to give it - thank
you very much.
Helen - definately try the enamelling first but be warned, it is
addictive and there are so many different techniques you may never
get around to trying any of the other things!