Yellow Silver solder

A light yellow joint color can be had by using #30 or #45 Easy-flo

#30 3D 30% Ag, 27% Cu, 23% Zn, 20% Cd In 20 ga. wire, approx. 23.8 ft
per troy ounce, $6.62/oz. on a market of $5.00

#45 3D 45% Ag, 15% Cu, 16% Zn, 24% Cd In 20 ga. wire, appx. 22.2 ft
per troy ounce, $7.22/oz. on a market of $5.00 AND- in 1/2 troy ounce
paste syringe, mixed with flux, 92% of market per syringe for 1-11
syringes, 12 or more for 85% of market.

Preferred applications are nickel, copper, goldfilled, and brass.

Indian Jewelers Supply Co.