[YAK] Private

David’s procedure was a success! We are all so blessed and

The combined prayers and well-wishes of our family and friends,
Dave’s community and my treasured Orchid friends unquestionably
flooded the procedure lab with positive energy!

We are truly appreciative of the kindness and compassion shown by so
many in this special Orchid family and want you to know how
reassuring and sustaining it was for us, especially as we were
waiting (5 hours) for the final outcome.

The doctors said that they were able to get a catheter into the area
via a blood vessel situated in the heart wall. They destroyed the
pathway which was located near the surface of the heart and extending
into the heart muscle, then stimulated the cells but could not
reproduce the arrhythmia. They are certain that the rogue electrical
circuit has been destroyed.

I offer our thanks, smiles and warmest hugs to all of you.

Have I told you lately that Orchid ROCKS! ?

I have an Orchid on my bench and in my heart :-).

Pam Chott