[YAK] National Stroke Awareness Month

Hi Folks…

As some of you folks know, I survived a major stroke at the end of
2007…Came out of the blue…Changed my life forever…

In keeping with Stroke Awareness Month…Here is a link to the FAST
System in recognizing a Stroke event…In you or someone else…

Had I known this and acted in time, I might not be partially
crippled today…Mind you, I did figure out what was going on
eventually, in time so I am here today, at least…!

Like most folks, I had minimal Stroke Awareness…They only happened
to very old folks, you see…

This page not only provides the FAST System, but has links to other
basic everyone should be aware of…If Stroke has not
already crossed your life, rest assured it will…

Gary W. Bourbonais
L’Hermite Aromatique
A.J.P. (GIA)

PS. How common is Stroke… There are approximately 6 million Stroke
Survivors today, in the US alone…