[Yak] An Ode From the Bench

OK, I seem to be the first to snap under the holiday pressure!

I’ve done a show every weekend for the last 5 weeks (and have one more this
weekend), and totalled my car 3 weeks ago. My ribs and hands are still sore!

In the absence of someone to pour fine cognac and tell me camel jokes, I’ve
settled for writing some VERY bad poetry. Writing it made me laugh; please
don’t kick me off the list! LOL

in Colorado

Ode From the Bench

Oh, 14 karat bezel!
What sadist came up with this idea?
Annealled twice, and soldered repeatedly
And yet, you mock me at every turn.
Move! I cry!
But no, you remain standing firm,
My every attempt to push you, only making you harder.
Ha! I only have 10 inches of bezel left on the bench.
Move on out, you pale yellow band of frustration.
Make way for 18 and 22 karat!

Ack, white gold!
You are too yellow.
Paired with 14 karat yellow, you barely contrast.
Silver is whiter, but won’t do on high-end.
Come, lovely white Platinum,
Do magic for me.
Precious, durable, priceless.
My B tank mocks this idea.

Thwap, show promoters!
It’s December and jewelers are busy.
You are cruel to expect slides for jurying on December 15!
For all this work, I better get a good booth!
By the way, that’s 14 karat yellow and white gold on that brooch.
And Yes, the bezel is ummm tight around the stone.


<grin> Very well done. I'm planning on rewriting "The 12 Days

of Christmas" to suit what my class has done so far… good to
know I’m not the only person driven to write angst-filled jewelry
poetry. :slight_smile: -Kieran