
Hi Rex

The guy who taught me most of my setting in the early seventies was
Dick Condron. (I am only a little wrinkled) He was in his sixties
then and he would never let us use a pendant drill, everything had to
be done by hand. Something I am grateful for now. He spent most of
his life working in Hatton Garden.

Chris Hackett

Hi Chris, thanks for the post. We have a lot in common. I too was
trained in part by a few of those legendary Hatton Garden jewellers.
Jewellers were a bit scarce in Australia after the war and the company
I was apprenticed to, Hardy Brothers, subsidised a number of excellent
craftsmen to come to Australia to work in their workshops. It’s good
to be able to honour two of them by name, Pat McCarthy and Charles
Burchell. Both wonderful jewellers and generous; no doubt like your
mentor, Dick Condron. Kind regards, Chris, Rex.