Wrapping sterling sheet with wire

Thanks so much for all of the good advice! Attached is my first attempt at this project.It was a huge help. The single continuous wrap of wire ended up being twenty feet of wire. I formed the cuff first, then soldered one end of wire in place on the back side of the cuff near the starting point. Using a huge Tom Clancy book held between my knees, I created tension to wrap the wire. Near the end I laid down a doubled wire with an eye like a needle at the end and finished the wrap over the end. I then pulled the tail of wire under the last half inch of wraps to secure it in place. Then used paste solder to secure. At this point in the process all the wraps were tightly aligned. I then curved the horse shoes to fit and sweated solder on the back. The last step was soldering the horseshoes in place. This is the only part of the process I was not happy with. In putting enough pressure on the horseshoe for the shoe to “stick” when the solder flowed, gaps formed between some of the wires. The patina I applied compensates for some of this, but I would like to perfect the process so that this gapping doesn’t occur again. Input from so many of you helped every step of the way. Thanks so much!! Sally

Looks good. If this is the first you haven’t far to go. Was the book Clear And Present Danger by any chance?


LOL, True Faith and Allegiance :smile: Thanks so much for all of your help Don!

To apply the horseshoes without soldering you could “pin” them to the cuff with invisible rivets. My friend, Azar Dailami, used this technique on this cuff.

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That’s a great idea, however wouldn’t the rivet post separate the wires as well?