Hello Orchidians -
I wanted to let everyone know that the jewelry school I teach at,
the Clear Creek Academy of Jewelry and Metal Arts, will be hosting a
two-day workshop with Harold O’Connor in Denver. The workshop will
be held Saturday and Sunday October 13th-14th. The topics covered
will be reticulation and granulation.
I’m sure many of you out there are familiar with Harold’s work, but,
if not, you can see many examples of his tremendous work at his
website, www.haroldoconnor.com. Harold has works included in the
collections of the Smithsonian, the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
Goldsmith’s Hall, and the National Metal Ornamental Museum, among
many others. The price of the workshop will be $275 for registrations
prior to September 30th, and $300 for registrations thereafter,
excluding the cost of materials. We are very pleased to have Harold
teaching here in Denver, and hope that some of you may have the
chance to join us. Please email info@clearcreekacademy.com or call
(303) 429-1401 with any questions. Thanks, as always, to the Orchid
list, for providing a venue for jewelers and metalsmiths to exchange
ideas and learn from each other.
Joe Korth
Clear Creek Academy of Jewelry and Metal Arts
Denver, Colodado