Workshop or course wanted, West Coast US

I have some holiday time I must take before the summer. I’m based in Victoria, Canada. I’m looking for jewellery courses / workshops up to a week long in any of the following that may be running on the West Coast of the US or around Phoenix this spring / early summer:

gemstone setting for beginners
synclastic / anticlastic forming
forging (jewellery sized)

If anyone knows of such, please reply. Many thanks.

Do you belong to Facebook? If so, there is a group called ‘Metalsmith Classes’ that you can join. There are classes listed there from all over.

Hi Becci,

speaking of repousse!..(and chasing)…I just found a great set of videos on YouTube!..each about 5 minutes short, but very comprehensive! I loved them and want to buy tools right away!

here is the link for fun!

The artist name is: Saign Charlestein

and here is his website…interesting! credits for armour!


Contact * 1-604-417-3392 *They are
out of Vancouver, BC. Hope they have some classes for you!

Gerry Lewy

Hi, Becci,

Have you checked out the Revere Academy website?

Best regards,


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Just what I was going to recommend, @Lorraine_J, Revere.


Hi Becci,
I will be teaching a week long stonesetting workshop at the Creative Side Jewelry Academy in Austin, Texas this June, or if you’d like to visit Bend, Oregon I offer small workshops and could create one specifically for what you’d like to learn.

When one-of-a-kind is important

Hi Becci
There is a great place in Snohomish Washington called The Ranch. It is run by Randi Harper. She runs many great workshops throughout the year. Randi brings in very skilled instructors, many are masters in their fields.
I took a filigree workshop from Victoria Lansford there a couple of years ago. I was very pleased with the facilities and the way the workshop was run
Facebook page is Redirecting...
Snohomish is only a two hour drive from Vancouver.
Calgary Canada

Thanks, I do have a (little used) facebook login. I will check this out.

Hi Lorraine and Alec,
The Revere Academy looks amazing. Makes me want to move to SF for a year and just take courses. Sadly a pipe dream right now, but so many courses I would like. The stone setting ones, in particular, look great to me. I’ve missed them for this spring, but I’ve bookmarked the page and will get on the mailing list so maybe I can catch something next go around, next year.

Thanks for pointing me at those videos, Julie. I’ll check them out this weekend (it’s going to be rainy).

I did send them an email gerrylewy1836, they’re away right now, but hopefully I’ll hear from them when they get back.

Hi Jim_Dalling1, I’ve looked at the course description at the Creative Side Jewelry Academy. I’m particularly interested in basket setting and gypsy setting. Bend, Oregon is a lot closer to me than Austin, Texas. I’ll keep your kind offer in mind while I research my options. I’m not a professional jeweler, I’m an enthusiastic amateur. If you prefer to work with professionals only, you should let me know :slight_smile:

Hi Becci,

I took classes at Revere Academy and loved them. I did not do a jewelers program, but rather simply cobbled together the individual classes that interested me. I highly recommend the stone setting classes. I thought they were excellent and very comprehensive.

Also, just to sort of wrap your head around some setting concepts, there are a few really great stone setting videos/ channels on Ganoksin, and youtube…

for youtube, It is sort of confusing to me…someone, let’s call them “diamondsetter” as an example will have a channel, with many great setting videos…but I am never sure if that person did the videos, or just found then on youtube and then uploaded/ saved them to their channel…


that gerrylewy1836 was only for Orchid I.D. username and the email is no
longer active!!! Go to ""…thanks!

Gerry Lewy

Becci- I teach in Portland Oregon. I’ll be teaching two workshops this spring. Trade Shop Bootcamp and The Business of Jewelry at the Multnomah Arts Center. Tim and I also teach privately.
Jo Haemer

Closer to home North Island College in Campbell River offers jewelry courses as well as an intensive year long program:
Irene Blueth

Hi, Becci!
If you are willing / able to come to southern CA, I run a great program in Idyllwild, CA – in the mountains above Palm Springs. It’s at the Idyllwild School of the Arts through the Summer Program. We bring in six jewelrymaking / metalsmithing instructors for one week in June – You choose one class, but there are short intros to the other classes. I also teach a week in July and there are some other metals classes. Here is a link for more information:

Let me know if you have any questions or need any other information!
Deb Jemmott

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Becci, If you are looking for an escape from cold north weather, may I suggest “The Artisan Village of Coolidge”. We are located in a old frontier town south of Phoenix and north of Tucson.

Keep checking as we are young and adding classes all the time. We have a world class glass artist that does and teaches fused glass pieces, Anne Nye, check out the list of classes on the web site, she is under glass studio

Chasing and Repousse is one of my most enjoyable metal arts techniques. I have recently taken a three day cuff bracelet workshop from Davide Bigazzi in Menlo Park, California. I was so enthralled with his method of teaching that I followed Davide to Florence, Italy for a week long workshop at his family home and studio there. I can recommend these workshops without hesitation. You can find his website and further information at