[Workshop] No Soldering Silversmithing Workshop

No Soldering Silversmithing Workshop
taught by Zoe Lightfoot and Lee Taylor.
August 25 and 26, 2007

Maryville, University, the Metalsmithing Studio in the 3-D Design

Cost of workshop is $125, for members, $155 for non-members.

This workshop will be taught as if the participants are learning
silversmithing for the first time. Many people avoid metalworking,
because they do not want to solder. It is possible to make a wide
variety of creative pieces using coldworking methods that so not
involve soldering.

Participants will learn how to make earrings, bracelets, pins, neck
rings and rings for sterling silver wire and sheet using a variety
of cold working techniques. Including: shaping, forging, texturing,
cutting with shears and saws, patination, polishing and other
finishing methods. Metal, glass beads, and cabochons can
also be integrated into the pieces.

Learning all the techniques will enable the participants to make
more creative and versatile pieces. Success with these techniques
encourages students to be more open to working with soldering later.
Safety techniques and suggestions for setting up an inexpensive
(about $100) home studio will be covered.

Cost of materials for the workshop will be from $50 to $75, depending
upon the cost of silver. This fee is to be paid to the instructors
at time of workshop.