Am here in Huntsville Alabama, teaching stone-setting. Along with are
my 100+pages of setting notes. Copies were made for starting up a
’setting library’. Mid-next week I go further south to Freehope, Al
and instruct the many details of graver-shaping and Bright-Cutting.
More setting notes just on this Graver topic will be left with the
client. All in all, this is 2 solid weeks of training. More to come
in October after our holydays.
Then in January I run a class at the “92/Y” in NYC! (For obvious
reasons, I don’t name my private clients) Gerry Lewy
A BIG thank you to Gerry and his client for letting me sit in on a
lesson today! I always learn something when talking to and watching
fellow jewelers! Gerry does beautiful work and is a fun teacher!
Gerry’s been here for going on the 8th day and I’ve learned a lot. I
went from a confidence level of 1-2 to a 6-7. I’m very appreciative
for Gerry’s willingness to teach and answer all questions so openly.
Thank you. That is exactly what I wanted to hear, as I’m looking
forward to a class this coming Oct with Gerry. Any interested party
may “E” me for info. Again Thank You