What would our world look like if household objects were grown like
Special Topics: Bio-Digital Design
This course will explore biological systems for design inspiration -
analyzing structures, mechanisms, and systems in nature. Students
will apply these concepts to the design of functional objects, and
develop designs using Computer Aided Design techniques.
For producing final designs, the class will introduce Rapid
Manufacturing: the use of Rapid Prototyping techniques to
manufacture finished, functional products. Students will combine a
variety of Rapid Prototyping and hands-on processes to produce their
This is a research-based class, and students will pursue individual
topics. Students should be prepared to apply their research to
specific design applications, such as furniture or jewelry. Students
will be expected to read and discuss relevant articles, and to
present their research and designs to a larger audience.
Faculty: Richard Nelipovich, Assistant Professor of Design - Indiana
University at Fort Wayne designercraftsman.com
Course Number: KCMJ 303 (CRN 50996)
When: Summer 2007 (May/14 - June/26), Tuesdays and Thursdays -
Capacity: 10 students
WheRe: Kendall College of Art and Design, Grand Rapids, MI Rooms 202A
and 427 (Jewelry Design Lab and Digital Fabrication Lab)
Pre-Requisites: Competent sketching, hand-craft, and basic 3D
computer skills are required. Advanced CAD and familiarity with Rapid
Prototyping is not essential, but will be helpful. Rhino will be used
for demonstrations, but students can use other software for projects.
Questions about course content: Contact Professor Nelipovich at
Questions about the Allesee Metals/Jewelry Design Program: Contact
Professor Carrizzi at @phillip_carrizzi
Questions about the college, admissions, auditing courses, taking a
course as a visiting student: Contact KCAD admissions at
800.676.2787 - ask for Sandy Britton
If there is not a PDF file attached to this email, you can download a
flier for this class at www.optilevers.com/biodigitaldesign.pdf