Why my steam cleaner smells of urine?

Can any one tell me why my steam cleaner smells of urine.

No, I have not peed into the water chamber before anyone asks. LOL

The steam smells awfull and is a little off putting.

Many thanks

I’ve never heard that one.

Drain it, put in some vinegar and water and get hot, then drain and
fill with fresh water 2 times.


Can anyone tell me why my steam cleaner smells of urine. 

If you’ve used an ammonia-based cleaner in it, that might be why.

Best regards,

If you've used an ammonia-based cleaner in it, that might be why 

Never use anything to clean your steamer. All it needs is to be
blown down once a week. Harsh chemicals can cause more problems than
they can cure.Most steamer manufacturers do not recomend puting
anything into your steamer. Also, using distilled water will help
keep the rust down.
