White-out thinner?

Today the last bottle of white-out correction fluid was too gummy to
be any of use as a solder anti-flux (or whatever you want to call
it). So I thinned it down with some turpentine. But the problem then
was that it didn’t want to dry very quickly.

When it was thinned down it occurred to me that a much thinner
concentration than how this stuff usually comes mixed would probably
work just fine to keep solder from sticking. It also occurred to me
that somebody else has probably already solved this problem. What is
a good thinner?

Stephen Walker

white out is water based. you can use water to thin the stuff.


I use a water-based White-out, and thin with water. After the
applicator broke off, I use a brush or toothpick depending on my

Melissa Veres, engraver

Hello Stephen,

I use the Liquid Paper brand of white-out and make sure that it is
NONFLAMMABLE and contains no solvents. It can be thinned a bit with

Rather like latex paint. As time goes on, the white-out gets thick
in the bottom of the bottle and you’ll notice the brush is no longer

That’s the time to add a few drops of water and stir vigorously.

Eventually, you just replace it with a new bottle.

Turpentine being a solvent, would not be the proper thinner for this
variety of white-out. You will need to check the label of your
bottle, but I suspect you now need to buy a new bottle of white-out.
and be sure that you buy the nonflammable type.

Judy in Kansas, where temps are plunging after a day in the 70s.

A bit of googling tells us that each manufacturer uses a slightly
different formula, so what works as a thinner for one brand may not
work correctly for another.

The best thing is to use the thinner made for that brand.
Unfortunately it seems that not all manufacturers make a thinner for
their product. Perhaps the best thing is to buy correction fluid for
which you can also get the proper thinner. Or use a water-based
correction fluid.

Or just experiment. Acetone is a good general purpose solvent, and
something that’s worthwhile to keep in the shop anyway.

Elliot Nesterman

The best solution is to use water based Wite Out, and you can thin
it with water. It’s also non toxic, or at least much less toxic than
the original.

I’ve never used white out. I just use powdered yellow ochre. I can
make it as thin or as thick as I want with water. No toxic fumes. I
also use the graphite lead off of a pencil for soldering hinges where
a tight fit is important.

I use a soldering resist maybe once a year if that.

It’s really just best to have good torch control.

Have fun and make lots of jewelry.

Jo Haemer

Denatured alcohol. Thomas III

Use the water-based White-Out.

Judy Bjorkman


there are two types of white out. One is water based the other
contains phosgene, which when heated turns to poison gas as in WWI.
The formulas may have change in recent years so I may be wrong now.

But always read the labels.