Where to look for jewelers jobs in Europe

If I end up getting the boot from the US due to lack of visa (I
would prefer to stay :slight_smile: - I would like to think about getting a job
in europe somewhere and apprentice for a true master - either jeweler
or silversmith (although I’d rather avoid England). Does anyone know
of any resorces to look for such a job in Europe? I know the GIA
lists worldwide jobs, and I keep my eye on there daily.

Thank you

For the UK, you can try Benchpeg
http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/nm - it’s a website and free
newsletter. If there isn’t anything right for you, you could always
try emailing Rebecca, who runs it - she also works for the
Goldsmith’s Company, and might havea better idea of masters looking
for staff and apprentices nationally.

Jamie Hall