When the jewelry Bz slows down

*/ Age, old bones and a slow economy has slowed my (Grandpa’s)
jewelry creation. So what to do to keep me busy? I have always wanted
to write stories but poor grammar has prevented me from doing so. Ah
ha there is an answer. Take up a pen name then that fellow with the
pen name gets all the blame. So thats how MELVIN ZWICK was born. /

Now I, MELVIN ZWICK the Grandpa look alike, can write stories for
Grandpas grandkids. Perfect!!!

*/*I, Grandpa, must tell you that MELVIN ZWICK, is a very
braggadocios know it all who has an ego as big as the moon. There is
nothing that according to him he hasn’t done. *

/*That may be so Grandpa but I sure do love writing stories and the
Grandkids love them.

If you are interested in reading a few of my, MELVIN ZWICK’S,
excellent stories check out:


/ Thats OK Melvin Zwick but I hope those who read your goofy stories
do not blame me for them./

Well, I think you made it all up. I mean, who could find a people
eater that lives underground and then you get a nice flowered bush?
Who could get a bear to sit at a picnic table and wait for lunch?
Who could get a cat to sneak up on you and get in your lap and
interefewre with you computeser typonetykkng… oh wait…neverdi

Mr. Pepe