What kind of casting machines?

I am new on this forum as well as in jewelry making. I am French and
i hope you will forgive me my bad english. I will try my best to be

I live in Central America and i am artist and fond of lost wax work.
In France, i was curving my wax models and for the casting i gave
them to a professional to do it. So, i never saw the casting
process… I would like to have my own studio, as in Belize there is
nobody to cast for me. I will need to buy all the machines and
staff… and learn to use them alone.

I am wondering which way is the best to cast… is it with
centrifugal or with vaccum? Knowing that i curve in blue wax,
pendents which have some parts as thin as 3 or 4 paper sheets
together. I would like also to be able to cast in silver, bronze or

I saw that on some other forum they recomand Tim McCreight’s books.
I would like a book with step by step photos, as i some time don’t
understand all technical english… So, which one must i order firt?

If any of you could help me, i will be very happy and i thank you by
advance for it.

Isabelle Duval

Hello Isabelle Duval,

It is a small world. A former neighbor and local dentist relocated to
Belize. I see that he teaches lost wax casting. Check this website

I have no idea where you are located in Belize, but if the Marco
Island’s Center for the Arts is anywhere close, this may be your

If by chance you do contact Wil Lala, see if he remembers Judy Macy
Willingham in Manhattan KS

Judy in Kansas, who hopes you are successful!

Hi Isabelle,

I put together a 33 page illustrated paper on how to vacuum cast. I
would be happy to send you a snail mail copy if you send me your
address. I could e-mail it but it would be quite involved and would
take many posts.

Lee Epperson

Bonjour; my suggestion to you is that you could probably continue as
you did in France except just ship them ( the waxes) you can learn
these things but it will take time away from your carving and
design, I have found that it is best to spend time doing what you
are best at and send out for the work that others can do easily and

However having said that; Rio Grande sells video tapes on the
casting process.

Also they make a new machine called a J-2 that is really good, and
it costs about $7k.


Hi Lee

At the moment I have someone do my casting. In future I might do mine
own casting. I would love to have a copy of your 33 pp paper.

I’ve been away and am just catching up on my Orchid list.

P O Box 3440
Santa Fe, NM 87501
(just in case you forgot)