What is going on?

I’ve just finished a 3 day one-man show at a local Arts center.
There were about 60pieces in it.

My experience is that in a three week show I tend to sell about
10-25% of exhibits but in just three days Over 50% were sold.

Knowing that the market is “slow” I put in pieces between the
$200-500 range, I had a really good curator who helped me set up a
concept display.

I’ve never had such a fast response to a show.

What is going on with the economy

You are one lucky guy!. Wishing the same for all Orchid members. MA

What age group/gender did the most buying? What styles captured the
most attention?


Well, that is not happening here in northern Minnesota, where iron
mines areclosing down. I just did my Holiday showing, and sold only
one piece of my two lines of new work, plus a bunch of older, less
expensive designs. Sigh. The new works are now being displayed in a
gallery in the city of Duluth (TheArt Dock) where they have a much
better chance of being sold than they would if kept in my closet,
albeit at 40% going to the gallery.

Did you have more traffic or sold more units?=C2=A0You ate smart to go
by price point

David Geller