Hi there, one of my daughter’s little friend broke her chain
bracelet in our house yesterday. I took a look at it, thinking that
maybe it was stainless steel or perhaps silver, and saw that it
bears the stamp 14K with IST underneath it (on a separate disk). Two
links appear to have snapped. When I looked more closely, the open
ends looked very dark and I realized that they seem to be hollow
(and very dark on the inside). I did some browsing, looking for info
on IST but kept pulling up German text ratherthan an explanation of
that stamp. Thanks so much! Ros
one of my daughter's little friend broke her chain bracelet in our house yesterday. I took a look at it, thinking that maybe it was stainless steel or perhaps silver, and saw that it bears the stamp 14K with IST underneath it (on a separate disk). Two links appear to have snapped. When I looked more closely, the open ends looked very dark and I realized that they seem to be hollow (and very dark on the inside). I did some browsing, looking for info on IST but kept pulling up German text ratherthan an explanation of that stamp.
The spanish have a stamp that reads primero plata for silver plated
items. This is often shortened to 1st plata. So, basically I read
you mark as being for a plated item. Nick Royall
Thanks Nick! That helps a lot and would make sense, given the
appearanceof the chain (looks slightly worn/darker metal where the
links rub against each other). I am not sure that they will be able
to get it repaired (easily). Cheers Ros
That helps a lot and would make sense, given the appearance of the chain (looks slightly worn/darker metal where the links rub against each other). I am not sure that they will be able to get it repaired (easily).
How about just replacing the one or two links with silver?