We are happy to tell you
We’ve added something exciting for you!
Event Announcement
Don’t Forget!
We will be at Tucson Gem & Mineral Show
198 S. Granada Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85701
Booth 1508
Tues, Feb 5th thru Sun, Feb 10th
For more information, please visit
-Our Latest Arrivals-
We carry a wide selection of designer cuts
in matched pairs and single stones, bullets, tongues,
1/2 drilled drops, drusy, faceted stones, pearls, and cabochons in gem and decorative materials. We receive new shipments frequently.
Assorted shapes and sizes. Limited quantity.
Assorted shapes and sizes. Limited quantity.
Please note our old website is still available: www.dikragem.net
Please visit our new site at your leisure
We hope you like it.
Our showroom hours are 10:30 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Although you don’t need an appointment, we suggest you call before coming as we are sometimes delayed by traffic or mother nature, or out of the office on errands. We look forward to seeing you.
Phone Number: 800-873-4572 or 212-869-6332.
Visit us on
Dikra Gem | 56 W 45th St, Suite 1005, New York, NY 10036
Unsubscribe orchid@ganoksin.com
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