Please welcome our newest members!
Patricia Varnon
Fortson, USA
I am an artist working in stained glass as well as jewelry design. My
recent adventures have me working in PMC, level 1 certified with an
interest in both the new bronze clay as well as fold forming.
I wish to expand my knowledge with the medium and look forward to
learning from others of like mind.
Jane Groover
Taboo Studio
San Diego, CA. USA,
Owner/partner of Taboo Studio in San Diego. For 20 years Taboo has
been the ultimate in designer, handmade jewelry in San Diego. My
partner and I are both jewelers who went through the metals program
at San Diego State University with Arline Fisch and Helen Shirk.
Alina Voaides
Bucuresti, Romania
I am autodidact jewelry designer. I want to share on
jewelry design.
Neil East
Ely, UK
Just starting out in the world of jewelry making
Ski & Cathy Ziolkowski
Museum Gems
Deltona, FL. USA
We are a retired couple who have enjoyed rockhounding/faceting/and
opal cutting. It seemed a natural step to move into jewelry creation
and repair. We’ve taken several jewelry courses, both at the local
county tech school and private instruction. Additionally we attended
a private one week stone setting course. We have a local jeweler who
has taken us “under his wing” and has been very generous with his
knowledge and experience. We have been lavishing jewelry on our
family for some time now, and it has been an absolute blast. We are
also astonished by the talent we see exhibited by local bench
jewelers. The are true artisans, and that’s a moniker we hope to
attain. We’re sure this site will go a long way in helping us to
achieve that goal. Thanks for allowing us to participate.
Best Regards,
Ski & Cathy