Orchid Circulation: 11,500 members!
Please welcome our newest members…
Colleen M Zufelt
Zufelt Designs
Wilmington, DE. USA
Although clay is my first medium, I designed ceramic jewelry in the
80’s along with my plate and vessel work. I’ve been teaching middle
school art for about 15 years and raising my boys as my main focus.
This has allowed me to experiment in different medias and techniques,
bringing a broader, more interesting range of projects to my
curriculum. I recently started translating some of my surface clay
designs into jewelry as well as setting older ceramic pieces as
“stones”. There is a supply of copper and jewelry tools at my school
from by-gone years, so I’d like to use these with my art club
students in the after school program. Many of my students are from
disadvantaged areas and the idea of making things with value has
really connnected with some of them.