Please welcome our newest members!
Beverly Denise Johnson
Mandy Rose Jewelry
Atlanta, GA. USA
I have been designing and making jewelry, clothing and leathergoods
since I was about six years old. I majored and completed fashion and
visual merchandising courses in college. My niche, I found out, is
in accessories, and specifically in jewelry and leathergoods. I am
looking for an apprentice ship in jewelry making, as I want to refine
my skills. I would like to learn to do torchwork, bezels, casting,
and setting stones. I want to become an extraordinary jewelry maker.
Aimee Thomson
Vancouver, Canada
Jewellery Designer / Metalsmith
Erica StankwytchBailey
Fayetteville, NC. USA
Contemporary metalsmith and metalsmithing instructor
Solange Guaida
Montreal, Quebec. Canada
I’m a Montreal architect and silversmith. I am still in training,
studying at Montreal’s Ecole de Joaillerie. I am passionate about
metalsmithing and design. Designing jewellery gives me the chance to
set my creative spirit free. I find my designs are often influenced
by architecture, and tend to be abstract and simple. I’m here to
share and learn more of the trade and meet some peers.