[Welcome] New Members for November 30, 2009

Please welcome our newest members!

Mary H. Karg
Mary Karg Designs
Loveland, OH. USA

I am a studio wearables artist specializing in glass and metals. I
also teach glass beadmaking and basic silversmithing.

Duncan Penman
Sunnyvale, CA. USA

Primarily a rockhound and lapidary. My wife is a better lapidary than
I but is less fond of longish digs in places with no running water.
Extensive collection of turquoise and other copper based
minerals/rocks. Likewise have a love affair with high quality agates
& jaspers. Co-own a small (really small) turquoise claim in central

Was a fairly active silversmith for a few years in the late 80’s,
then work got very busy and I dropped it. Now (late 2009) am retired
from the computer field and have re-assembled my jewelry bench and
am trying to remember which gas to turn on first.

Will probably be mostly silent here but happy to contribute where I

Thanks, Duncan

Anna M Williams
Anna M Williams Jewellery
Hobart, Tasmania. Australia


I’m fairly new to making contemporary jewellery, but am enjoying the
skills I have gained in formal training, and selling in galleries
and designer markets in Tasmania, Australia. I work in all kinds of
media, but principally silver, and am inspired by themes such as
transition and change - I like to use gingko leaves to give an
impression of lightness and movement, and my current series features
silver pods with careful piercing, to make the most of reflections
and the movement of light.

Yulian Naydenov Ivanov
Sofia, Bulgaria

Hi i’m from Bulgaria. Working as goldsmith since 1998. And from 2004
began to carve wax and became model maker for other jewellers. If
you are interested in please visit our site