[Welcome] New Members for November 12, 2011

Orchid Circulation: 11,500 members!

Please welcome our newest members…

Nancy Klipowicz
Kansas City, MO. USA

Hello! Sure looking forward to learning and being involved in this
site. My background: In June 2010 I took an early retirement from
teaching elementary education in order to put my heart, soul, and
time into a lifelong dream of becoming a jewelry artist. I have been
dabbling in jewelry (designing, repairing, learning technique) for
several years on a very part time basis.

Donna Cassano
Flagstaff, AZ. USA

I have been an amateur artist and crafter for most of my life. I
recently took a jewelry/matalsmith class and think that I have
finally found my medium. I’m currently working mostly with brass and
copper so that I may hone my skills on these lower priced materials.
I do have some silver in my drawer that is waiting for the right