[Welcome] New Members for March 9, 2012

Orchid Circulation: 13,000 members!

Please welcome our newest members…

Ian Hart
California Academy of Sciences
San Francisco, CA. USA

I am interested in jewelers techniques in metal working and casting.
As a preparator some of my duties include the fabrication of small
silver soldered brass mounts, model making, and casting.

Rauni Higson
Rauni Higson Silversmith & Jeweller
Caernarfon, UK

I’m a Silversmith and jeweller based in North Wales, U.K. I have a
particular interest in Fold-forming and Anticlastic/Synclastic

Tom Herschbach
Maricopa, AZ. USA

Born and raised in Alaska, now residing in Arizona. Have a great
love and passion for Fire Agates.

Sean Hiep
Clifton, USA

i have small family business. I received my Diamonds Graduate and
Colored stones graduate from G.I.A. My first love business-wise is
the bench and designing new pieces and trying new techniques that
other jewelers are willing to share.

I have been in the business for myself since 2000 bt ave been in the
family jewelry business since 1983.

I love color stones and the beauty of vivid colors accented with
diamonds and textured metals.

Still learning from everyone in the business.

Hope this forum is a helpful and insightful forum.
