[Welcome] New Members for June 24, 2010

Orchid Circulation: 10,500 members!

Please welcome our newest members…

Karen A. Craig
Vancouver, WA. USA

I am a perpetual student of metalsmithing / jewelry making. I
graduated from the University of Utah in the 60’s with a degree in
Designer Crafts / Metalsmithing and did a little intermittent work in
this field. Professionally I have been away from working with metal
for a long time (way too long). I have loved making jewelry all my
life and am now at a point where I can resume a more full time career
working in this field.

G Bradley Sanders
Sanders Design
Shepherdstown, WV. USA


I am a 64 year old professional metalsmith and I have been in the
business of mounting museum artifacts all over the country for a
score or two. I recently decided to let the young people do the
traveling and allow myself the next 20 years or so to continue my
development as an artist, which I minimized when I began my company.
I am picking up all my old chops and getting to work again!

Maria Burgos
Carolina, Puerto Rico.

Hello there, I am trying to be a good silversmith and venturing in
goldsmithing. My teachers in this venture : Alan Revere and Mc
Greight, well their books and videos. I want to learn everything. I
have tons of questions. I love it, my little torch is my best pal.

Haley McMahon
Green Bay, WI. USA

I am a recent graduate from a Jewelry repair and fabrication program
in Green Bay, WI. I am looking to start up my own home based
business as a hobby to keep me busy. I work full time in a hospital
as a pharmacy technician and plan on using my free time to create
jewelry. My current status as a jeweler has been put on hold. I am
working on developing my workshop one piece at a time.

Dreama Dawn Hall
Protean Studios
Alto, GA. USA

I am trying to get my studio jewelry business off the ground. I
completed my BFA in Jewelry and Metalwork at the University of
Georgia Athens. I had the great fortune to study with Barbara Mann,
Mary Hallam Pearse and Rob Jackson. Primarily what I do right now is
jewelry but my interests fluctuate constantly. Metal is such a broad
field, I am delighted to have so many options to explore in terms of
technique and material.