[Welcome] New Members for July 15, 2013

Orchid Circulation: 13,000 members!

Please welcome our newest members…

Eileen Webb

I am a designer fabricator with a passion for making well crafted
objects of various scales -from architectural to human scale. For
about the last 17 years I had been exploring engineering
technologies, primarily digital fabrication (lasers and the like) to
do what had traditionally been done with hammer & forge. It has been
a cutting edge adventure with three Ernest Wiemann top job awards
from NOMMA.org and a lecture to the AIA-TAP in 2004. I am completely
self taught.

Architectural commissions have been slow and the projects that I do
get are more demanding, so I made a conscious decision to shift into
jewelry. I have been picking the brains of my goldsmith and jeweler
friends for the last three years and experimenting like crazy. Much
of my work is highly sc ulptural old school wax work and casting. I
am also playing with a low watt laser for doing digitally based work
from prior designs worked out in the last 15 years. Having free
access to a cutter in exchange for my expertise in dxf based design
is a nice skill swap. The folks i am collaborating with are a young
industrial design firm. They get access to all my notes on materials
and setting for their future capabilities.

I spent the last year or so revamping my studio to allow to do all
my work inhouse as desired. I am also looking at adding more state
of the art technologies (laser welding and using stl & iges based

I have been blessed with mentoring professionals/buddies who answer
technical inquiries so that I don’t waste too much energy running
down unproductive paths.

If you are in the Los Angeles area, my architectural commissions can
be found in Rockn’Fish restaurants at LA LIVE, Manhattan Beach,
Laguna Beach (just look for the mermaids), at UCLA (charles young
salon), Loyola Marymount.

I also have expertise in other materials -ceramic, glass
(eglomise’), and a background in surface design -textiles.

GANOKSIN ROCKS! Glad to join, learn and share.

Carol Minnich
Toronto, Ontario. Canada

After 30 years as an Interior Designer and Food Facility Consultant,
I’m retired.

My need/desire to design still goes strong however so I’ve become
very interested in learning about jewelry making… largely
Argentium Sterling Silversmithing.

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