[Welcome] New Members for January 17, 2015

Please welcome our newest members…

Mary Field Nelson
Orlando, Florida. USA

I am excited to be part of the Orchid Network, thank you! I began
metalsmith training by learning musical instrument repair in the
1980’s. With my knowledge of silver-soldering saxophone keys among
other metal repairs, I landed a goldsmith apprenticeship learning
lost wax casting of gold sea life pieces in Key West Florida.

Enter children. arts are pushed to the back burner. Now 25 years
later, I have returned to designing and fabricating jewelry in PMC.
Every firing, every compliment, every blog, draws me in deeper and I
find myself wanting to expose my soul to the world. I am more
passionate now than ever. I look forward to the rest of my

Jody Sachs
Derwood, MD. USA

About 10 years ago I wanted to explore and learn different
techniques and textures created in metal. I was fascinated how you
can take a woven fabric technique to textile metal. I started
knitting in gold and silver, which is called Viking knitting. Viking
knitting, one of the oldest known forms of knitting, is a looping
technique that precedes traditional knitting by centuries. I also
enjoyed creating an overlapping texture and pattern by creating a
rope of precious metal by joining metal wire loops and connecting
them, and then pulling them through descending small holes in draw
plates to narrow the loops, creating a chain or a webbed mesh
necklace or bracelet.

I continue to use and learn metal techniques to spotlight gemstones.
I have used some traditional large semi-precious stones too. I have
chosen unusual shapes on the back of the stone settings, sometimes
not visible to the admirer, only known to the owner; like their own
secret under the stone. Each one therefore is a unique compliment to
its owner.

Nicholas Brucia Brucia
Bellmore, New York. USA

Casual antique jewelry collector