Please welcome our newest members!
Kit King
Kit King Designs
Denton, TX. USA
A retired writer, editor, public relations person in North Texas, I
began jewelry making after collecting gemstones for several years. I
work in brass, copper, silver and–if I have a commission–gold. I’m
looking forward to communicating with other jewelry fanatics.
Ravi Ramani
Adamas India Jewelers
Cherry Hill, NJ. USA
I got in the jewelry industry one summer afternoon in India. Started
directly with grading diamonds. I was completely intrigued and was
love at first sight when I took a peek inside a diamond with a loupe.
My journey began in India with diamonds, then came to GIA to study
more about diamonds and ge mstones with the GG. Later on found a job
in Chicago for a local jeweler. The partnership did not last long. I
moved on to NJ in search of a job and finally incorporated my own
company. This is my sweet little story.