Orchid Circulation: 10,500 members!
Please welcome our newest members…
Chris J Huebert
Lost Wax
Tyagarah, NSW. Australia
Hi, my name is Chris, I have been making jewellery for the past 15
years, Mainly silver casting, model making and pewter casting. I
have just started my own tiny little part time jewellery making
business. I live in the northers rivers region of NSW, Australia.
Roman Speakman-Poon
Silver Spring, MD. USA
Hi, I am a GIA graduate gemologist looking to build a home studio
and will dig the Orchid archives for tips, any help offered will be
greatly appreciated, thanks!
Aviva Fort
Pittsburgh, PA. USA
Hi, I’m a perennial student who’s trying to figure out how to design
good jewelry with CAD.