[Welcome] New Members for August 8, 2012

Orchid Circulation: 13,000 members!

Please welcome our newest members…

Valerie Redpath
Cumberland, ME. USA

Inspired metalsmith. Currently working to increase my technical
skills. I work at as a bench jeweler for an amazing designer, Edith
Armstrong in Portland, ME. I also preform a variety of services as a
contractor to several local jewelers. While not at the bench, I love
creating food and gardens, playing with my son, spending time in
nature, doing yoga and generally loving life.

Tara Kauffman
Laurelville, OH. USA

I am a mother of 3 teen age boys, who is getting ready to start a
jeweler apprenticeship. Im very excited about this, I love to learn
and I enjoy rocks and stones. (I enjoy anything that is shinny and
pretty or can be turned into.) The things I have found that draw my
interest aRe: carving/ engraving, cutting and polishing, and the art
behind making molds. As I advance Im sure this will change but for
now this is what has my attention.

Judith Sasser
Pensacola, Florida. USA

I mainly work in silver, ind. study at Pensacola State College and
my home studio. My main interest is lost wax casting. I have just
completed purchasing equipment for my home studio.

Wolf Rudolph
Berlin, Germany

Archaeologist and jewellery historian, still active